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Canadas Best Bingo Site – TheGambleDoctor’s pick of the greatest online bingo sites

In case you don’t already know, Bingo is a major stakeholder in the gambling industry. Bingo game used to be solely a face-to-face affair until the internet arrived. Thereby, taking this irresistible gambling choice to a whole new level. Today, Bingo lovers in Canada can actually do away with local casinos. This is because there are now online Bingo sites Canada that will give you the same experience and even exceed it.

Not just that, players can also play free bingo at these Canadian bingo sites. All that’s required is to find a trustworthy online bingo site, download its app if available, sign up and start playing from your comfort zone. You can either use a mobile device or computer to stay connected and play all day, only ensure you have a stable internet connection. has so much in store for you on this page. Read on to find out more!

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Best Bingo Sites in Canada

What are the rules for bingo?

Each bingo room comes with its own unique set of rules. advises that you read and digest the posted rules before playing. Keep an eye out for special handouts, which are basically extra printed rules that may overrule what is posted.

No matter what, do not attempt to modify a bingo card! Such an act is prohibited and the player will be penalised. Bingo managers or callers are highly experienced individuals, so it will be difficult to fool them with such gimmick. So, if you have read up to this point, we advise that you adhere to every rule of the game.


The following general rules must be complied with by every bingo player:

  • Select a game of your choice.
  • Buy the required tickers for the selected bingo game.
  • Mark off numbers on your cards as they are called.
  • Shout Out Bingo if your numbers are called.
  • Then the winning card is appropriately verified.
  • Winners are then paid and the game comes to an end.

Listed above are the basic rules of bingo, however, due to the differences in tickets layout based on the number of balls on each bingo variant available, the rules are somewhat different. On 75 ball bingo, there are 5 rows, 5 columns and 25 squares. On 90 ball bingo, however, there are 9 columns, 3 rows and 27 squares.

How the play the great game of bingo?

Bingo is an easy to play game for people of all ages. Bingo has gone virtual, meaning that you can now find and play it online. Players who are still new to the game can play it for free before putting their money on the line. has a list of the best bingo sites that you can use to hone your gaming skills. If you desire to play bingo games effortlessly, then follow these steps:
Estimated time needed: 00:08 Tools needed: Bingo card Supply needed: Numbers
Get a bingo card
Get a bingo card Purchase a bingo card with a unique set of numbers. This will qualify you to take part in the upcoming gaming session. Step 1
Find the best bingo site
Pay attention to the numbers being called A bingo game is characterised by the calling of numbers. Pay full attention to hear the caller announce drawn numbers and keep an eye out on your bingo card to mark the said numbers. Step 2
Call bingo at the best bingo site
Call bingo! The moment all the numbers that are contained in your bingo card have been called, scream Bingo! This will announce to the caller and other players that you've won. Step 3

Different types of online bingo games available

The game of bingo comes in varieties which can be found and played in new bingo sites. They are fun and exciting, little wonder millions of people around the globe play them every day as their favourite social pastime.

These bingo variations have their own precise appeal and flare. Below are four of the most popular best online bingo games in Canada:

36 ball

In the 36 ball room, players have to strive to be the first to match all 12 symbols or numbers on their ticket in order to win the full house prize.

75 ball

Here, 75 balls are divided into a 5 x 5 grid. Players of 75 ball aim for a coverall or full house win, instead of trying to find a pattern in the numbers being called.

80 ball

Bingo cards for 80 ball are set in a 4 x 4 grill filled with 16 numbers. To win, players are required to cover singular rows and/or their entire card.

90 ball

This is the most popular bingo game in Canada. Usually, cards have 3 rows, each containing 5 numbers and 9 columns. Players receive rewards for covering one line, two lines or getting a full house.

Promotions and bonuses for online bingo

There are lots of promotions and bonuses that will allow punters to play free bingo games. The amazing thing is that the online bingo sites making the offers are desperate for you to have them. That is why we have gone above and beyond to get you these fantastic deals, all of which can be found on TheGambleDoctor’s list of the best online bingo sites.

Many different type of bonuses:

There is so much to enjoy in the best online bingo sites, especially when it comes to bonuses. Of course, there is the sign-up bonus, but aside from that, there are plenty of other offers and promotions you can grab from time to time. Let’s find out the bonuses that await you at the popular bingo sites on our carefully selected list.

Bingo bonuses without deposit

A good number of our endorsed bingo sites will reward you with a limited number of free bingo tickets when you sign up. The tickets will be used to play games in selected rooms and in many cases, at designated times.

Regular deposit bonuses

The regular deposit bonus provides new players with a great way to boost their bankroll. This bonus is given when a player makes their first deposit at their chosen online bingo site. The bonus usually has fixed amounts, such as “deposit $10 and get $40 free.”This means that the bingo site will give you a $40 bonus fund to play bingo games when you make a deposit of $10.

Free rounds or free games for bingo

Players will be able to play bingo for free in order to win a bingo bonus. However, to meet the entry requirements, players will have to wager on bingo. These rooms are open to all players and are available only at specific times, like one or two hours each week.

Try you luck spinning the wheel

A good number of the best online bingo sites also host slot games and will provide you with a free spins bonus to try your hands on the wheel. This offer may be standalone or a part of the welcome package, such as “100% bingo bonus + 50 free spins.” This bonus isn’t reserved only for new players, it occurs regularly for all players on many online bingo sites.

Reload and top-off bonuses

This is just a matched deposit created to reward existing players and keep them coming back. Although this bonus comes regularly, it is usually in small amounts.

How to make your odds better in online bingo

In bingo game, numbers are drawn at random, meaning there is almost nothing a player can do to guarantee a win.

Regardless, has some tips for you that will, at least, position you to grab a win every now and then:

  • Purchase lots of bingo cards
  • Choose to play when there are only few players online
  • Utilise the Granville and Tippett strategy
  • Don’t be an island; interact with other punters

These tips will give you a better chance at winning some prizes.

Is it unsafe to play online bingo?

No, it is not. Online bingo is a game that is subject to the law. It is mandatory for online casinos with bingo to comply with a set of rules and regulations. Many of the best online bingo sites are also licensed, this is to avoid being shut down. Their licenses are issued by relevant authorities and these permits undergo frequent renewal. Bingo game enthusiasts can be sure to enjoy fair play at all times in these sites.

Furthermore, the safety of online bingo sites can be traced to the reputable and professional software developers who design the games. These developers ensure that their games meet up with the industry standard and provide punters value for their money. Therefore, before a player chooses an online bingo site, the first thing to look for is the license being used by the site, as this will guarantee their all-round safety. The second factor is the software companies behind the bingo games. Once the site checks these two requirements, then you’re good to go.

Locate your favourite online bingo supplier today

Online bingo is captivating and exciting, once you start playing, the fun never ends. Bingo offers you the chance to be entertained and in the process, grab some amazing prizes. That’s the whole essence of gambling but this is only possible with the right online bingo site.

For many years, has been at the forefront of finding top bingo sites for players. We know what players want and we ensure all our recommendations are up to par. Our selections are carefully handpicked and they have the best bonus and promotional offers in the industry.

We know how important it is to start playing bingo with a robust bankroll, that’s why we only choose the most generous sites. Also, we ensure they have standard payment options, as well as a customer support team you can rely on. With TheGambleDoctor, your bingo adventure has already begun on a good note.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Bingo

What are the rules for bingo?

The rules of bingo are nothing foreign. In fact, you might have come across something similar if you play lots of online games. They include: Ensure you are at least 18 years old, don't try to make adjustments to your bingo card, don't forget to call out bingo when you have it and many more.

Is offline bingo better than online bingo?

Although they are two different gambling platforms, online bingo has more advantages. Online bingo sites will allow you to play games from anywhere, at any time. With online bingo, players have more varieties of bingo games to play. Random Number Generator is used in online bingo to keep the game free of malpractice, and in effect, it helps to speed up the game. All these and more make online bingo a better choice.

What is the best place to play bingo?

If you are searching for places to play bingo, your best bet is online. There, you will find more game varieties, cheaper cost, lots of bonuses and promotions, faster gameplay and more. However, not all these sites can be trusted. Not to worry, has got your back. We have selected and compiled only the best online bingo sites. Go through our bingo site options and you will definitely find one that suits you well.

How many numbers does a normal bingo game have?

In a typical game of bingo, the numbers that are utilized are 1 to 75. The card has five columns which are labelled 'B', 'I', 'N', 'G', and 'O', to spell the word bingo. The letters are labelled from left to right. The centre space is considered automatically filled and it is usually marked "Free Space" or "Free"

Is it possible to play free bingo?

Absolutely. Just like any other online game, bingo is no different, as players can play free versions of it. In fact, on many online bingo sites, you will find a demo version which lets you enjoy the game without any financial commitment from you. Players usually use free play to fine-tune their strategies for better play when real money is involved.

Is it possible to choose my own bingo host?

With technology, a lot of things have been made possible including hosting your own bingo game online. The game of bingo is so unique that it allows players to form their own games and now, it can also be done over the internet. With the right software or application, you can now host your own custom online bingo game and have as much as 500 players participate.

Can I be scammed in online bingo?

As long as the internet is concerned, people can be scammed with almost anything. Your surest defence against this is to go for reputable online bingo sites. These sites usually have good player ratings and the presence of a license stamp is unmistakable on their homepage. However, you don't need to go in search of these sites on your own. Simply go through our list at and you will find only the most trusted online bingo sites to play your favourite bingo games.

Is it possible to get more than one bingo bonus?

Yes, you can. It is possible to claim more than one bingo bonus at an online bingo site, only that it won't be on the same page. You are free to sign up to different bingo websites and take advantage of their bonus offers. However, you should pay attention to the terms and conditions of the bonuses before going for any of them.

TheGambleDoctor » Best Online Casino Games in Canada – Read about all the great games of 2024 » Canadas Best Bingo Site – TheGambleDoctor’s pick of the greatest online bingo sites
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